简介:Polish comedy of 1971, the species 'crazy'. In a September, the Monday (and exactly 15 September), a group of residents and visitors struggling with adversity. Despite the light of criticism of Polish reality, expressed in a typical director Tadeusz Chmielewski surreal way, the movie is laurk? for Warsaw, full of optimism, nicely showing her beautiful places最新电影
Polish comedy of 1971, the species 'crazy'. In a September, the Monday (and exactly 15 September), a group of residents and visitors struggling with adversity. Despite the light of criticism of Polish reality, expressed in a typical director Tadeusz Chmielewski surreal way, the movie is laurk? for Warsaw, full of optimism, nicely showing her beautiful places最新电影展开
7.0 蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙2/蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙(上)/蜘蛛人:穿越新宇宙(台)/蜘蛛侠:飞跃蜘蛛宇宙(港)/Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Part One/Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2/Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse (Part One)/